Where Beauty Blooms, Future Thrives, and Life Flourishes.

We make landscape plant selection easy, beautiful, and environmentally friendly for you by growing plants that succeed in our region.

  • Easy research and online ordering.
  • Real-time inventory.
  • Fast turn around time for pickup or delivery.
  • How to shop with us.
  • Get Started
    Progressive Plants

    Why Progressive Plants?

    Locally Grown

    We grow most of our plants ourselves. Our region can be harsh on plants, regardless of your care. Why import plants from different growing environments and add trauma to them? Less stress+happy plants= your success. 😀

    We Have Tools to Help

    Don't know what to use? Tired of your project looking like everyone else's? We have tools to help, from plant picking to notifying you about future availability. Make an account and get access to them. We also have educational resources like our blog and our newsletter.

    Custom Grow Plants

    Need hundreds or thousands of a variety for a large project? With enough notice, we can make that happen. Sometimes you have the perfect plant, but can't find enough.

    Procurement Management

    Growing plants is a complex business. We understand the ins and outs of scheduling and having things available when you need them. We work with other growers to make sure what you need will be available, and if not, work with landscape architects to find a suitable solution if needed.

    A Modern Shopping Experience

    From convenient online ordering, real time inventory, in stock notifications, plant selection tools, and more, we give you everything you need to succeed, regardless if you are a professional or homeowner.