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Garden Tip: The Importance of White In Your Utah Landscape

Garden Tip: The Importance of White In Your Utah Landscape

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Do you have white in your landscape? We highly recommend it. As much as we love bold colors in the garden, there are some benefits that only white can give. White acts as a stabilizer in your garden—providing a break from color, so your eye can focus on shape and design. White brings light to shady areas, creates a feeling of calm in the yard, and adds a focal point in the dark—even at night.

Enhance your landscape with Iberis

Many florists will tell you that a vibrant container garden isn’t complete unless it has a pop of white to set apart the colors. It will do the same for your landscape.  A white border, for example, adds light to a walkway and can make an entrance look crisp and clean. The Candytuft (Iberis) in the image above adds light and interest, even though the other plants in this garden are still waking up.

Iberis is an ideal way to add white to your landscape

Iberis, or Candytuft, is an early blooming perennial that heralds in spring like almost no other plant. It covers itself with white flowers that last for weeks. It tolerates most soil conditions and can even handle water from Utah Lake. It's deer resistant and low maintenance. The cultivars in the image above are 'Snowsation' and Snowflake.

Add Contrast

White is the ultimate way to create contrast. Bright white set against bold, rich green will instantly catch your eye. You can use white in your landscape to carry your eye from one area of interest to another. It’s a great way to add emphasis and sequence to your design—bringing a sense of motion to the landscape.

White in the landscape comes in many formsVariegated leaves like those on this Stonecrop add interest, texture, and white to your landscape.

Soothe Your Mind

White in your landscape can have some mental benefits as well. The next time you find yourself looking at Mother Nature’s pure white, pay attention to the way it makes you feel. In most cultures, white is the color of purity. Perhaps that has something to do with the sense of calm we feel when we experience white in nature. It’s one reason why so many of us are drawn to quaking aspens, daisies, or panicle hydrangeas. For some reason, our mind slows down and we breathe more deeply.

Magnolia Centennial blush
'Centennial Blush' Magnolia

Enjoy Your Garden at Night

White adds balance and light to your landscape, and the contrast really pops in the shade. That contrast makes it an ideal way to extend your garden’s intrigue into the late evening hours. You can see white clearly in the evening because it reflects the moonlight. Some people will even create a "Moon Garden" using mass plantings of white flowers, variegated foliage, and silver-toned plants to catch light and add interest to their gardens late into the evening.

white landscape flowers collage

Hopefully, we’ve given you a few reasons to consider white in your landscape. If nothing else, you know why we love it in ours. Regardless of what you choose to do with your yard, we’d love to help. You can create a peaceful place to rest and rejuvenate just outside your door, even in our difficult climate. You’ve got this! If you'd like help creating your ideal landscape, connect with our designers.

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