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The Versatility of Ninebark Adds Dimension to Your Garden

The Versatility of Ninebark Adds Dimension to Your Garden

3 minute read

Physocarpus opulifolius, better known as Ninebark, is a beautiful, versatile shrub that can add a new dimension to any Utah landscape. This plant is native to North America and is known for its striking foliage and attractive flowers. Most cultivars are hardy to zone 3, so it can handle our cold temperatures. It’s waterwise and thrives in a range of soil types, making it an ideal choice for any Utah gardener.

Ginger Wine Ninebark collage'Ginger Wine'

One of the key benefits of using ninebark in your landscape is the variety it provides. Ninebark comes in a range of colors, including green, red, amber, and deep purple, and can grow to be anywhere from 3 to 10 feet tall. This makes it ideal for use as a specimen plant, as a hedge or screen, or to add visual interest to a flower bed.

'Nugget" Gold Ninebark

'Nugget' Gold

Ninebark is a hardy, easy-maintenance shrub that can handle a range of soils from acidic to alkaline. It also has good heat and drought tolerance, meaning it will continue to thrive in Utah's challenging climate conditions. Ninebark has few pest or disease problems, so you can spend less time worrying about it and more time enjoying its beauty.


Beyond its striking appearance, ninebark can also help improve the overall health of your landscape. Its deep root system helps prevent soil erosion, while its leaves and stems create a natural mulch that helps retain moisture in the soil. This can be particularly valuable in Utah's dry climate, where water is often at a premium.

Amber Jubilee

'Amber Jubilee'

To get the most out of your ninebark, plant it in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Although it can handle acidic and alkaline soil, it prefers soil that is slightly acidic. You can amend your soil if you choose, but it may be an endless effort. Typically, it will perform fine in most Utah yards as long as the soil drains well, you top dress with mulch, and fertilize occasionally. Interestingly, ninebark performs best when it has room to breathe, so don’t overcrowd it in your landscape. 

Little Devil'Little Devil'

Finally, consider pairing your ninebark with other plants that complement its beauty. For example, dark foliage pairs well with brightly colored flowers, while red or purple stems contrast nicely with lighter green plants. In fact, because there is such a variety of color among the physocarpus family, you can actually plant other ninebarks to contrast with your ninebarks. Summer Wine Black, for instance, pairs well with Nugget. You can also use it as a backdrop for other plants, providing a visual anchor for your landscape.

So, if you’re looking for a hardy, low-maintenance shrub that adds a new dimension to your yard with striking foliage and attractive flowers, you’ll find it in Ninebark.

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